It is my great pleasure to announce that my buddy DiscConnected of the blog DiscConnected has started up a new blog which he is calling DiscConnected. He’s kind of like the former boxer George Foreman who had five sons and named them all George.
No, wait, that’s not right.
Actually, DiscConnected’s new blog is titled ‘Back In The USSR’ and it’s all about police dogs and the cats who train them.
No, wait, that’s not right either. But I’m getting warmer.
In truth, his new blog is titled ‘Back In The USSR’ and it’s all about policing politics. Yeah, that’s it! Third time’s a charm.
And if the first installment of ‘Back In The USSR’ is any indication, then DiscConnected has a real winner on his hands! So, I want to invite you all to read his blog and then begin ‘Following’ it because there is no such thing as “too much truth” and we all might learn a thing or two from him.
Here’s a link to the new kid on the block, BACK IN THE USSR.
Go, read, learn. You can thank me later.
(Please send me tens and twenties while they’re still worth a few pennies.)
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
Director of the Ministry Of Truth Or Consequences
YE OLDE COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read: "posted"). After all, this isn’t Amazon.com, so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
“There's a sadness in the heart of things,” said the second Z-man. The first Z-man added, “It's life, and life only.” The Wizard warned, “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!” But then I dreamed the answer and I told it to them: “We have fallen asleep in God's embrace, having a nightmare that we are elsewhere.” So, now you understand what this Blog’s "stuffs" is all about.

Thanks will pop over to the USSR
I was hoping someone else would start a new blog. I've been running out of blogs to read. I should start a couple more blogs.
Tossing It Out
rLEE-b ~
Yeah, you need a new blog to read like I need another 12 ounces of beer. Hmmm... Come to think of it...
~ "Lonesome Dogg" McD-Fens
Yeah and speaking of new blogs-- why does he have to get all political and all. What we really want is a blog telling about what your pet did today (with some cat pictures), or what your kid did yesterday (pictures please!), or how about some good blog posts showing how I can make purses out of some of my old pairs of pants. C'mon guys let's get more practical here.
Tossing It Out
rLEE-b ~
ReplyDeleteYou've failed to mention one of the more important: What we especially need are more blogs telling us how your latest manuscript is coming along, and about the newest character you've created and how you're going to use her in the next chapter. And please do tell us all about the latest round of query letters you've sent out, and how you're hoping to get some feedback from that literary agent with the bad toupee. And please tell me one more time about how your mom and your aunt and all of your girlfriends think you're destined to write the next great Harry Potterish masterpiece, and about how understanding your long-suffering boyfriend is, as he finds ways to amuse himself during those long nights when you are all alone with your thoughts, your keyboard and your growing manuscript.
Oh yes, I just don't know if I can go one more day without finding a new blog by another future great authoress.
~ "Lonesome Dogg" McD-Fens
oh, that's cold, mr. McCarthy, you are downright evil. I would never stoop so low as to make fun like than. Be careful-- you might offend someone-- you wouldn't want to offend anybody would you?
ReplyDeleteNever mind, don't answer that.
Tossing It Out