Another Christmas Day has come and gone, and a few more Wishes for a Second Tiny Tim Top-Forty Hit Song have been sent into the universe to do their work.
Hopefully YOU are one of those good-hearted, fun-loving souls who joined my brother Napoleon and me in making a wish for Tiny Tim on December the 25th.
If you ARE one of those good-hearted, fun-loving souls, I thank you for your assistance. And if you are NOT one of those type of persons and therefore you DID not make a wish for Tiny Tim, then I can only hope that someday you will rediscover your lost inner child and again find your "Sense Of Fun" (assuming you ever had one . . . which you probably didn't and so you can't find what hasn't been lost and your finding your lost Sense Of Fun is a lost cause and I have no idea why you are reading this blog which is so fun-filled when you ain't and was that a run-on sentence or two?)
Below are some photos I took at "the body of water" that Brother Nappy and I have been using to make our Christmas Day Tiny Tim wishes for over a decade. This "Wishing Pond" is located on the back dining patio of the Park Central Deli located at the Park Central Mall located in the downtown Phoenix, Airheadzona, area. (Yeah, you know the place I'm yakkin' about.)

The Park Central Deli and its pond is just west of The Good Egg restaurant . . .

Uhm . . . I said just WEST of this place . . .

OK, that's better.

Yes, pictured above is the "Tiny Tim Wishing Pond" (although the employees at the Park Central Deli probably don't refer to it by that name).
This year I made my tiny Tiny wish with a brand new, shiny 2010 penny . . .
I tossed my penny in and now it sleeps with the fishes . . .
[Will someone please explain to me how a "cartoon" fish got into that pond with all those REAL fishes? Look at that fishface staring up at the camera. That's freakin' CREEPY!]
Here's another view of The Tiny Tim Wishing Pond . . .
And lastly, here's a photo of a very satisfied frog relaxing on his very own island in The Tiny Tim Wishing Pond . . .
Ahhh . . . It's a frog's life!
Well, I hope your Christmas was satisfying if not relaxing. Again, I thank all of you who made tiny wishes for Tiny Tim. And to those of you who didn't: Thhppbbhhttt...! May the Dog Of Unhappiness mark your territory and chew up your TV remote!
~ Stephen T. McCarthy
YE OLDE COMMENT POLICY: All comments, pro and con, are welcome. However, ad hominem attacks and disrespectful epithets will not be tolerated (read: "posted"). After all, this isn’t, so I don’t have to put up with that kind of bovine excrement.
Sorry, Stephen-
ReplyDeleteTiny Tim had some nice sentiments about whirled peas and thet Hey-zeus feller making a comeback...
...but a top forty hit? I think that'll be a sign of the Apocalypse!
ReplyDeleteThhppbbhhttt...! May the Dog Of Unhappiness mark your territory and chew up your TV remote!
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal Tiny Tim Underground'
See my comment on the previous post. We all have different ways of celebrating Christmas, right?
Tossing It Out