I'm posting this bit merely because I found the timing of it to be rather amusing.
In December, I received a Christmas card from my dear friend Melanie, whom I've known for about 26 years. (Well, I'll be a startled dog-faced pony soldier! Where does the time fly off to?)
At any rate, I walked to the mail box and returned with the usual array of bills & advertisements, plus Melanie's Christmas card.
I took the card into my bedroom and put my compact disc 'Tiny Tim's Christmas Album' into the player. I have many old Christmas traditions, and one of them is listening to Tiny Tim cough his way through the song 'Amazing Grace'. Somehow it's just not officially the Christmas season until I've heard Tiny's coughing.
While I was waiting for the funny coughing fit to occur, I opened Melanie's card. I was immediately pleased by the early to mid-1960s stylized illustration on the front. I'm a fan of old Christmas cards and I still have many that were sent & received by my family in the '60s.
Boldly printed on the front was the statement You're One Of A Kind . Inside the card, Melanie had written this:
"I saw this card and it screamed your name. You most certainly are one of a kind. God bless you always."
And right then it dawned on me that while reading the card, I was sitting in my room waiting for Tiny Tim's 'Amazing Grace' coughing spell.
Hokey-Smoke! Melanie may be right. Perhaps I really am "one of a kind". Guffaw-😄ut-Loud!
Medley -- Tiny Tim
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